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Program of Lectures for the Second Semester of 2020

The lectures will be held at 6 PM in the auditorium on the second floor of the Cernuschi Museum.

7 avenue Velasquez, 75008 PARIS

The Ba-Shu signs, an ancient script in the Sichuan basin?

by Olivier Venture, Directeur d’études, EPHE.

Image and sound in the Kathmandu Valley: tracing the history of musical heritage

by Richard Widdess, Professor of Musicology, SOAS University, London.

Videoconference presented on Zoom

Workshop : Representations of sickness and healing in art and ritual

Speakers :  Fernand Meyer, Anna Caiozzo, Costantino Moretti and Brigitte Steinmann.

Postponed until 2021.

Program subject to modification