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Votive stamped clay objects throughout the buddhist world: materials, texts and rituals

International Workshop that will be held on Tuesday 19 November 2024 at Maison de l’Asie, 22 avenue du président Wilson, 75016 PARIS.

With the participation of;

David C. Andolfatto (CRCAO, Paris).

 Anna Filigenzi (University of Naples «L’Orientale»/ISMEO).

 Erika Forte (Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University).

 Liying Kuo (EFEO, Paris)

 Christian Luczanits (SOAS, London).

 Kunsang Namgyal Lama, (INALCO, CESAH, Paris).

 Massimiliano Polichetti (Museo delle Civilità, Rome).

 Valérie Zaleski  (Conservateur du patrimoine MNAA-GUIMET).