Khwâja Sabz Push ©T.Lorain

Darya-e Ajdahar ©T.Lorain
Khwaja Sabz Push mausoleums. First results of the mission of study for Islamic sites and monuments of the valleys of Bamiyan (Afghanistan).
by Thomas Lorain, Scientific Secretary of the French archaeological Delegation in Afghanistan. Associate researcher at the laboratory Islam Medieval (UMR 8167 – East and Mediterranean). Director of the archaeological Franco-Afghan Mission of Bamiyan.
If the valleys of Bamiyan are primarily known for their Buddhist relics, they remain no less an important region for the understanding of the introduction and development of Islam in Afghanistan and Central Asia. The archaeological Franco-Afghan Mission of Bamiyan is given aims to explore these valleys in order to study its Islamic monuments and archaeological sites still largely unknown. The first results of the MAFAB will be presented through the example of the remarkable funerary complex named Khwaja Sabz Push.