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2011 International Colloquium

Bhûpâtà®ndramalla (vers 1706), place du Darbâr, Bhadgaon.NEPAL (Cl.Gilles Béguin)

Bhûpâtà®ndramalla (vers 1706),
place du Darbâr, Bhadgaon.
(Cl.Gilles Béguin)

Call for papers

« Politics and religions in the Himalayas and Central Asia»
Roma, 10th and 11th of October 2011

SEECHAC (Société Européenne pour l’Étude des Civilisations de l’Himalaya et de l’Asie Centrale, European Society for the Study of Himalayan and Central Asiatic Civilizations, will organize its second international colloquium in Roma, at the Museo Nazionale d’Arte Orientale, 10th and 11th of October 2011. The subject of the colloquium should be understood in the following manner:

“The political and religious expression of sovereignty

in the Himalayas and Central Asia:

rituals, texts, representations and institutions,

from antiquity till now”

Every SEECHAC member may attend the sessions. The papers may be delivered and written in any European language, preferably in English, Italian or French. The summaries should be written in English. Each speaker will get c. 25 minutes for delivering her/his paper, followed by questions and remarks.

Colleagues (willing) wishing to participate in the colloquium should inform us as early as possible at Those (willing) who wish to submit a paper should send a few lines abstract to the same address before October 31st, 2010. A selection will be made, if necessary, by the organizing committee. The criteria for the selection will be quality, relevance to the subject and a search for balance between junior and senior speakers, countries and periods dealt with, and countries of the respective speakers.

Président de la SEECHAC